Better Days Ahead

I'm a 45 year old woman who is on an adventure to discover the purpose in all the trials and tribulations I have gone through. As I'm trying to discover what James says, "Consider it nothing but joy my bretheren when you go through many trials, that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace]. 4 And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing.
I have two wonderful children and lost my husband Rob on April 19, 2014. I live in my father and step mother's home and was taking care of my step mother until she passed just recently on March 22nd. My father works away and is hardly even here. My 24 year old son who was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder moved back with us last year, but seems to be not suffering delusions currently. My 15 year old daughter was in and out of behavioral health programs last year and failed 7th grade. We had quite a fight with the school who took us to truancy court for her absences. We now have more peace because she is home schooling online with a self-pace school. I am currently questioning what I should do to support my family, but wasn't able to due to caring for my sick stepmother. I have a dream to one day be self-employed. I just feel I need to get through the hurdles that seem to keep me back. So That is what this blog is about. I'm trying to find out what fears and mindsets keep me bound and keep me from pursuing my dreams. I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me.

Friday, September 30, 2011

"There's something deeply wrong with me."

Dear Robin,

Today we're fasting from the thought that says: "There's something deeply wrong with me." The awareness of our flaws can be crippling, but God has provided a solution.

Let's change it TODAY:

1. Fix your eyes on His RIGHTS, rather than your wrongs. Be Christ-absorbed; and you will no longer be self-absorbed. Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith and your life—Hebrews 12:1-2.

2. Replace sin-consciousness with righteousness consciousness—In Christ, you are His righteousness. (2 Corinthians 5:21) When God looks at you, He sees His Son—without guilt, shame, inferiority or fear.

3. Right-being; not right doing. When you understand righteousness is right-being, it produces right-doing. (1 Corinthians 15:34)

4. Stop thinking B.C. (Before Christ!) You and I were a total mess without Jesus. But you have been created in Christ Jesus and you are in Him. There is nothing deeply wrong IN HIM.
(1 Corinthians 1:31)

5. We don't measure up; but that was SWALLOWED up—Jesus swallowed up all that was wrong with us and made us new.
(1 Corinthians 15:54, 2 Corinthians 5:17)

6. What you're not happy with about yourself, is your PAST. It’s not the real you. The real you is a BLOOD BOUGHT, BLOOD-WASHED child of God—reigning as a king in this life! (Revelations 1:5-6)

Think It & Say It:

I fix my eyes on His rights, rather than my wrongs. I am Christ-absorbed; and all my shortcomings and deep flaws are swallowed up in Christ. I am a king because of what HE made me, and my right-being in Him, produces right-doing, in Jesus' Name!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Be Skillful

The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.– Psalm 34:10

Did you know that, according to the Word of God, there is no lack in the Body of Christ? Everything we could ever need, every problem we could ever face has been covered by the blood of Jesus. His exceeding great and precious promises have supplied it all.

Why then do many of us keep on suffering lack? Because we haven't, as Hebrews 5:13 says, become skillful in the Word of righteousness.

It takes skill to apply the Word of God. Sometimes we just sling the Word around and try to use it any old way. We pray some ignorant prayer and then say, "Oh well, God knows what I mean" and expect it to be answered.

It's funny though. We'd never stand for that kind of carelessness in the natural realm. If our doctor came in and just threw a bottle of pills at us and said, "Here, take that," without even trying to find out what's wrong with us, we'd leave his office and never come back. Yet, we're shocked when that same careless attitude in the spiritual realm keeps our prayers from being effective.

We live in an "instant" society where everything is quick and easy. And too many of us are letting that instant mentality leak over into our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. When someone needs healing, we bust through the hospital door, dab a little oil between their eyes and say, "Glory to God!" and out the door we go. Sometimes it doesn't take any longer than "In the Name of Jesus be healed!" But sometimes there is something else that must be done.

The time has come for us to shake off that "instant" mentality and realize that there are situations where we're going to have to take some time and pray in the Holy Ghost. Times when we're going to have to sit there and listen for God's instructions.

If you've come up short in any area of life--whether it be healing or finances or anything else--determine to develop your Word skills where that area is concerned. Get out your Bible. Read through all the healing scriptures. Read through all the miracle scriptures. Read through all the promises of God. Read through all the blessings of Abraham.

Meditate on them. Ask God to speak to you through them and to enlighten you about the situation you're facing. Don't just sling the Word around. Dig into it. Fellowship with your Father over it. Let Him show you how to apply it skillfully, and eventually, you'll lack no good thing.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 23

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I am determined

I will run this race until I see His face oh let me live in the Glory of His Grace! I haven't written in a while I guess I fainted and let this lifes storms get me down. I was like in that commercial having to wind myself up to get started. But like up from the grave He rose so I am rising again. Like Rebecca St. James song "I crawl out of the ashes, burned with sin and shame and ask you Lord to make me whole again" You say if I turn from me and pray then you will hear me and answer. I have had my eyes on the problem and even tried to ignore the problem. I am sorry Lord I haven't turned to the problem solver. Hope deferred makes the heart sad and grow weak. I did lose my hope. The messages on Sundays have been great! I just need to apply them all week long. If you Praise God, God will step into your situation. This last Sunday came from Matthew 15:21-28. The woman in the story was like that widow who kept coming before the unjust judge. Lord please forgive me and help me like that Centuarian Help my unbelief. We believe you have what we need I guess we just give up too easily when we don't see the answer to our prayers. When we don't receive our drive thru breakthrough. We keep wanting it our way. I guess that is why I do hate fastfood. I am grateful for this job, but I don't want to do things at a fast pace. I have a challenging time slowing down. My husband is slower than me and it gets on my nerves when He doesn't hurry up and just get the job done. I guess it is good we need someone to slow us down, Those of us who are in such a hurry to get no where. We hurry and scurry until lifes no fun. This woman in Matthew 15 was a Gentile and because Jesus and His disciples were Jews they at first didn't want anything to do with her. She was coming to Jesus on behalf of her daughter, who had a demon in her and it was severely tormenting her. The woman was determined to have Jesus cast it out. She had heard of all He was able to do. She wasn't taking no for an answer. Makes me think of myself on how easily I let somebodies No hinder me. If I am a child of God I have rights. I cannot allow someones No to hinder me. I have blood bought rights. The disciples urged Jesus to send the woman away because she kept bothering them with all her begging. Jesus even told the woman He was sent only to help the people of Israel God's lost sheep, not the Gentiles. But then the woman came and worshipped him and pleaded again for the Lord to help her. Just like how our children get our attention and work on us if they want something by telling us they love us and can I take out the trash or help you do this and so Mom. Jesus said to this woman "It isn't right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs," She replied "Yes, Lord, but even dogs are permitted to eat crumbs that fall beneath their master's table" She was only looking for a crumb. She believed that Jesus could do it with just a crumb. Jesus loves this kind of Faith. Reminds me that we should look at our situations and tell it You are subject to change. I know my redemer lives and this situation has to bow down to the name of Jesus. Jesus we believe you are the problem solver, the heavy load sharer our bright and Morning Star. We thank you for stepping into our situation right now and healing and mending it. Turn the hearts of your children back to the Father in Jesus name. Amen!